Summer Growth

Timothy AM Tumbokon
7 min readSep 12, 2023


Dear, Summer energy and its deep vibrations

Sitting in rows away from Beyonce, I felt an energy of liberation and releasing onto things that did not have meaning. Before the night ended, you always remember when Beyonce told you to “remember the night – Remember where you were, what you wore, and the feeling you felt.”

I remember it and the cruelty of the growth that Summer has been. Undoubtedly, it has been a summer of introduction – the Summer of spiritual growth and emotional toil. The hard work and labor of love have produced fruits that helped you grow.

The summer energy of sound vibration, or summer renaissance, only flowed through the winter Dark Ages.


June to you in this month comprises cannon events and heartbreak. With Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse acting as a backdrop with that month, You have learned two lessons from that movie: (1) to take care of the little boy cause you are going to be in places that don’t feel accepted, and we must do everything in our power to be there for ourselves when the people you built your foundation on are not there. (2) Cannon events are moments that define you as a person.

If you remember, one Saturday, you went out and had a moment in your life that you remember. However, you’ll recover a call from someone who meant so much to you. To tell you words that pierced your heart. It broke you down as if the wings that helped you soar at the beginning of the day were chopped off. Your face depicts the artwork of Alexandre Cabenel’s The Fallen Angel, with the tears docks dried up from the trees. The only thing you have felt is not just sadness but anger. The feeling of anger towards the world that looked at you with disgust and wanting to feel the dizziness of freedom. After that call, your eyes were balling with tears. As if a part of you has died, mourning over the loss of a stable relationship.

You’ll tell your therapist that moment felt like a Filipino teleserye you and your family would watch while growing up, how the irony of an event filled with safety has turned into a sour moment: the dramatic crying and the heightened sense of emotion. You were tagged with the primary character syndrome.

However, you realize this event was and is one of your cannon events. It has defined that Summer and as well with your life. Because it has taught you how to build the boundless and create the space you need to prosper, along with knowing who has helped you in a moment of need, you’ll have Zoom calls and people giving you the positive affirmations that have watered you like a plant.

I want to remind you that you helped me get back up and fight. To build a space, your time in a tree. Your friends just helped the hammer and nail so that you can build it up. Instead, as your therapist said, “You are the baker; you make the cake. Put the eggs, milk, and flour in the mixing bowl to bake it.” Then she would say right after, “But it is your friends who put the icing and put the decorations.”

In June, you learn how to create your space, but invite the people who made it better. Who nourishes that inner child when he is not feeling loved? Along with going through the growing pains of becoming who you are meant to be


The energy present is the fruits of the labor and manifestation of years prior, in 2019, during the eve of the pandemic. You imagined yourself living happily without any shame or guilt. One of the songs you had on repeat was New House by Toro y Moi. The lyrics that filled the car:

I want a brand new house/something I can not buy or afford.- New house (Toro Y Moi).

This month was a song, an interlude of the Summer. The quietness and stillness of this. By this month, you needed to leave your old cocoon to meta form to your next space to soar.

Now your new space is farther than you anticipated from the city. The world around you is about to change. However, there is a chance to grow and flourish in this contemporary living environment.

If you remember, in the Philippines, you were on a boat on the shores of Boracay. The sky was gray, evoking a sad day. The sand between your feet before hopping onto the ship of the sea was rough as if the rain glued the sand together.

Yet, on that boast, you felt connected to nature, the people around you, and your ancestors who broke and were victims of barriers. It felt as if the ocean air, the tingly sea salt air, hit the nose to the sounding weight of the ocean to feel its might – the consistency of durability and guard.

You had this feeling that the world around you would instantly grow. That every opportunity that you want in life will be granted. The sense of guilt and shame of the past will be the wayside away.

The ocean baptized you. As the image of the baptism, you have learned as a child, going into the water was all of the bands that were hunting you are now removed. Like so, this moment was ushering in a new era for you.

It took until July to realize this. Summer’s good energy fooled the recent winter weather to make it clear.

If you have an opportunity to create, meet new people, and have a unique experience, that will flow into the next month.


When you entered the House of the Chrome, that energy officially shifted to new heights. You saw you in the house of the Chrome, in its reflective shine. As you were present in this place, the songs that filled were about self-love and self-agency. You felt like a strength that you never felt before. That new feeling rushing within your veins left you in a blur the next day. Yet, it was two lyrics that have been in your head rent-free.

(1) Release your anger, relieve your mind/Realize your job, realize the time/Realize your trade, release the stress/ Release the love, forget the rest.- Break my Soul

(2) Comfortable in my Skin/ Cozy with who I am/ I love myself, goddamn//Unique/ Unique is what you are. -Cozy.

In life, you have been stuck with emerging the power and who you are and hiding that part of you. Now, due to the energy rises and the vibration of the Summer, you have finally released them. In its stead, you invited the idea of being Cozy with everything you have to do. Just be. Be who you need to be, as the divine created it: you.

There was a thought in the back of your head that reminded you of going back home. Everything you do serves a purpose to who you are and where you are more than satisfied with everything that has happened.

Regarding going back to June, cannon events are interesting cause there will be many, many, many in the big one. The Beyoncé concert was a mini cannon event because, without it, you would not have thought about how the divine had led you to the show or given you the strength to move on from the bad. You have relaxed the pain of it and taught the lessons from it.

You truly learned what heartbreak felt like.

Before I leave and stop writing about August, it is interesting because there was a moment when I didn’t feel like me, and I have come to say that I’m okay with it. More than that, I’ll be in the moment it is not in my place. I can only visualize that safe place and remind myself who I am.


It’s 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, and you are on a call with your therapist. Who in this open letter is a well-known supporting character? You have told her your most profound trauma and deep pain growing up. Along with your needs and wants for you to grow.

This call, unlike most melancholy and remorseful calls, this one has a patina of new vibrations as if the energies of the world were like a planetary alignment. It flowed through the body, and at some points over the Summer, you felt so alight with the ground beneath you; it felt like you were leaning on the bliss of being able to be you.

You have labeled the Summer previously “ Cruel summer” due to the hardships of growing up you had over the Summer. You told your therapist about it, and she said how to Somatic heal through the Bananarama song.

Yet in that session, the sound of your voice was as if the protagonist was telling their family and friends about the hero’s journey they went through. “ This Summer has taught me that I may not be in control of my past and the moment that I can’t fight for myself; I must forgive myself for that crime. Right now, you are only in control of the space you have created and the people you have let in that the divine energy that pushes and pulls you gives gifts that may not have the face of a gift. You’ll later learn that they are gifts, after all.” From the other end of the phone, you heard the glee from your therapist who told you, “ This energy is needed for you to grow and learn more. The timing can be right with us going into the new season. Let us leave this session where it is now. Till next session.”

Until then, life will grant you more seasons and new lessons.

Until then, Thrive, Grow, Love.

Be limitless.

Thanks for the Summer,

The author of Someone on a New Vibration.



Timothy AM Tumbokon

Timothy Arthur M. Tumbokon writes on his personal experience with his mental health and life experiences. As well with a podcast called Overseas Broadcast.